Annual Report

December 31, 2023 - Having completed my 66th year on Earth
Albuquerque, New Mexico Territory

It has been a year of settling, recalibration and challenge.
2022 was a whirlwind. Shot out of the cannon of job, and place, and all things familiar.
The pandemic snapped at our heels and just missed. We were free

2023 was the landing. All things new and unfamiliar.
Like we fell through a wormhole.

But it is good here. We are safe and surrounded by love.
We have enough of everything that we need.
We have found art, and music, and ways to be of service.
We have found ways to connect with loved ones and friends from afar.
We have made new friends. Pots have been thrown, fish have been caught.
The motorcycle got out of the garage - even if irregularly.

I decided to get serious about my health. The pandemic did a number on me.
I found a public gym. I walked. I lifted. I ate better food.
I lost 25 stress pounds.

I decided to run - a thing I had not done since High School.
It was not easy. It hurt. It did not feel natural. Until it did.

Today I walked 7 miles over rough ground.
I followed trails until they ran out.
I took some long/short cuts.
I scrambled down a cliff and up an arroyo.
My dead reckoning is still good.
But I am not a crow. I cannot fly straight as they do.
Yet I came out right, in the end.

My knees held me up. My ankles did not turn.
I ate the birthday dinner my daughter made me with gusto and joy.
I will sleep deep and peaceful.

I am ready for the next turn of the earth.

Peggy Senger Morrison


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