About this Blog

So, Here I am... Retired. Go Figure. And not starving. Technically I am retried early, a full year yet to what Social Security calls full retirment age. I am with family and a loving spouse. I am residing in Albuquerque New Mexico, USA. After 42 years in Oregon, 4 years in college in Santa Fe, and 18 years growing up in chicago, Illinois. I am not neurotypical - (or possibly anything else typical) I do have a good dose of Attention Deficit Disorder on board. It is not getting any better with age. Not much does. So this blog will be very random. And honest, because anything else is too much work. There will be typos - don't bother using the comments to tell me about them, if you know what is supposed to be there - it works. I don't have time for attempts at perfection I had another blog - 2006-2023. It was a bit preachy. Some people like that sort of thing. This will have more gardening. A place for me to document what is going on. You might meet my motorcycle. Some random th...