
Grandio Elite Greenhouse Review

The builders: Two strong, healthy, women in their 60’s . Skilled workers, with lots of building experience. Previous owners of a smaller greenhouse.    Site: Albuquerque NM.  Rocky sandy ground. South side of house. High winds. Intense light and heat.   What:   I bought a Grandio Elite 8 x 24 Aluminum (with some steel supports) and 10mm double wall  polycarb greenhouse. I ordered it in February of 2023. It was built in March of 2023. Extras that I ordered - 8 auto window vents, Louvre end window. Second order of 6 extra steel support beams Cost 7650.00   Prep : Marquez Masonry of Albuquerque NM  put in an 8 x 24 slab above ground level, with 1 row of cinder blocks around the perimeter - there were rebar pieces set in the slab.  It came out perfectly level in every direction. They filled the blocks with concrete, except for where electricity and plumbing were to enter with cement. ...
  So, There I was…  making a lightning fast raid on the state of Texas. Sixty hours in and out.  I was on roads  new to me, in an unfamiliar car, late at night.  My compadre and navigator was an 89 year old blind man.  But that was alright, because his grandparents were buried nearby, and he was directing me with a memory sharp as a  Bowie knife, and by an alignment with the spirits of his ancestors. Our stated purpose was a two-day singing. Sacred Harp -Shapenotes, that is. The heavy metal of the antebellum  era. Songs of death and resurrection, sung acapella in four parts, at deafening decibels. The parts face each other  around a hollow square. Every singer takes a turn calling their tune and leading from the middle. If the Basses  outnumber the Trebles, you can get blown sideways. The Sing, with mid-day suppers on the grounds, was being  hosted by worthy locals from a Primitive Baptist Church, out past the Plum Creek bottomland ...

Baller - for real

      1 st in a series                                                                                                                                                                ...